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Opportunities to be Socially Conscious Leaders

Posted on 12/14/2016 2:35:56 PM by Stephanie Reed

As we continue to process our feelings regarding the polarity in our country and within our communities that was a result of our election process while simultaneously endeavoring on in our everyday business of life, work, school, etc., we pause to reflect on the HOW. As we approach the conclusion of our fall semester let’s channel the energy we’ve felt (both positive and negative) in meaningful ways that move us toward that HOW- living and working on purpose.


The Office of Student Diversity Initiatives would like to remind some (and point out for others) that what we have been dealing with is in fact diversity and social justice work. The current climate of both the campus and our country is exactly why our mission is Education of the Heart. Cabrini is a unique institution whose work is to produce inclusive, socially conscious leaders. Our mission calls upon you as students to be engaged citizens and to “Live with Purpose.” Many offices on campus and the faculty who teach and engage you in the classroom are here to support you in your efforts to champion your causes and build commUNITY.

We write to offer you ways to remain focused and involved in the process of becoming engaged citizens even as we conclude this semester. The staff in the Office of Student Diversity Initiatives is here to continue to offer students opportunities to develop their cultural competence, empathy and ability to engage in difficult dialogue. Our office has a program which is offered in part with LEADStrong called R.I.S.E. where you can engage in this type of skill development.

For those students who are feeling and expressing the desire to engage in student activism, our office in partnership with the Wolfington Center will offer the Cabrini University Activism Academy. This brand new initiative will launch in the spring semester and offer a variety of ways to cultivate your activism. We will provide you with sneak peeks of our plans for the academy via our social media channels throughout December. Stay tuned, stay energized and engaged and take care of your wellness!

Here are some ways to engage when you return to campus in January:

  • Participate in the MLK Day of Service on 1/16/17
  • Attend DT’s Post-Election Campus-Wide Forum the week we return to campus
  • Attend the SEPCHE Diversity Conference on 1/28/17
  • Attend the Temple Inclusive Leadership Conference on 2/11/17 (see Lisa Podolsky for more information (ldp54@cabrini.edu) )
  • Attend a R.I.S.E. workshop (the first one being on 1/25/17)
  • Consider applying for A.C.I.D. (www.cabrinistudentdiversity.com/ACID)