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What I'm Most Thankful for in 2022

Posted on 11/21/2022 12:05:05 PM by Piper Byrne

With all the stress of classes, as the semester is nearing an end, I tend to get wrapped up in what makes me upset, angry, or even a little bit of both. I often forget to take the time to appreciate the things in my life that make me smile. In this blog, with Thanksgiving approaching, I will take the time to share with you the things I am most thankful for in 2022.

My Family and Friends:

As cliché as it sounds, I am eternally grateful for my family and friends. And while I am thankful for them always, this year presented me with so many instances that reminded me why I love them so much and how fortunate I am to be blessed with such amazing people in my life. I am so lucky to have such a strong support system. Whether they’re cheering me on in the audience while I’m on stage, laughing with me at the stupidest things, or just there to give me a hug when I need one, I feel their love and see how much they care. Here's a picture of my sisters and me, as well as a picture of me with my best friends since I was three!


Being part of a school like Cabrini is something I am thankful for daily. Just looking at all the beauty on our campus is a blessing on its own. The sense of belonging and involvement I feel at this university is not something you get to experience every day. It truly is a community. I have met so many lifelong friends and have really seen myself grow into a person I never thought I could become. My Cabrini years have been filled with so much opportunity and success. I am so grateful that God led me here. Also, since I started at Cabrini in 2019, 2022 was my first normal full year of school after COVID-19. Classes are in person. I was finally able to perform in a Cabrini Theatre musical. I have an internship on campus that I love. My life as a college student is finally starting to feel like the stories I heard from people before my time. If that’s not something to be thankful for, I don’t know what is.

The Opportunity to Perform:

During COVID-19, one of the hardest things to cope with was losing my life on the stage. The theatre universe was filled with so much uncertainty over the last few years. No one knew when performances would resume. The industry everywhere took such a hard hit. Performing is something that has been a big part of my life since I was little, and not knowing when I was going to be able to feel the lights hit my face again was so hard to get used to. Musical theatre is my creative outlet, and life without it was challenging. 2022 was the first year that I was able to get back up there and get lost in the world of performing again. I was blessed with the opportunity to play Audrey in Cabrini Theatre’s production of Little Shop of Horrors and Jo March in a community theatre production of Little Women the Musical.

These are just three of the many things I have to be thankful for this year. When the going gets tough, remember to take a second to remind yourself of and appreciate the good. Happy Thanksgiving, Cavs!