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A Response to the Election from Cabrini President Donald B. Taylor, PhD

Posted on 11/9/2016 3:13:48 PM

Dear Cabrini University community,

This election has been one of the most tumultuous and divisive elections in recent history, with vitriolic rhetoric that many found deeply offensive and even hateful. These many months have exposed huge divisions in our country, made many question the moral character of our nation, and created new wounds that won’t soon heal.

This is an extraordinary time in our nation, but also an extraordinary time for Cabrini to assert the moral character of our University and to create a path forward that brings reconciliation.

The second sentence of Cabrini University’s mission statement says who we are with absolute clarity: “Cabrini welcomes learners of all faiths, cultures, and backgrounds and prepares them to become engaged citizens of the world.” That means that Cabrini welcomes our brothers and sisters from all walks of life. We could not do otherwise, being named for the Patron Saint of Immigrants, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, and sponsored by a global religious order of Missionary Sisters

So today, this University reaffirms our commitment to welcoming all of God’s children, including students who are African American, Asian, immigrants, international, Latino, LGBTQ, Muslim, and those who experience disabilities.

As a welcoming and diverse campus, we need to be leaders in creating an inclusive environment. This election has shown us that our nation needs strong leaders, which should only reaffirm Cabrini’s commitment to ethical leadership development. The path forward—the path to reconciliation—will be forged by strong leaders, but it also requires the effort of all people of goodwill. 

This is easier said than done, I know. I also know many students, faculty, staff, and alumni feel deeply troubled today. I understand and share your discomfort. However, it is in moments like these—when our nation seems too wounded and divided to go forward—that we must look to our common humanity, and seek prayerful guidance on how to bring about a unity that addresses the needs and security of all people. 

I’m proud that Cabrini has been having healthy conversations about issues raised in this election. We will continue to have them, and have them more frequently. More importantly, we will have these conversations together—as one Cabrini, made up of many.

We’re in this together, and together we will find healing.

Warmest regards,

Donald B. Taylor, PhD
President of Cabrini University