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Jerry Zurek, PhD
Professor, English and Communication

Carnegie Foundation/CASE Professor of the Year for Pennsylvania

Jerome Zurek, PhD, says that in the 46 years he has been teaching at Cabrini University, he has looked forward to coming to work nearly every day.

Over the years, he has continued to learn and develop as an instructor and mentor, and finds inspiration by tapping into the energy generated by his students.

In 2005, Zurek was named Carnegie Foundation/CASE Professor of the Year for Pennsylvania.

One of the ways he helps his students succeed is through volunteer work; he has been involved in service-learning for 17 years. He regularly visits several Philadelphia schools, where his students mentor at-risk children and provide them support to reach their ultimate goal of attending college.

Zurek, who earned a BA from Fordham University and an MA and PhD from Bryn Mawr College, also works closely with Catholic Relief Services on service-learning projects.

He initiated the Global Solidarity Network, a national coalition of students and faculty who are passionate about worldwide social justice issues such as immigration, genocide and poverty.

Areas of Expertise

Social-justice education; mass communication; journalism; public relations; and radio