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A Cabrini student with a local child in Ecuador during a service trip

About the Wolfington Center

The Wolfington Center fosters community-based learning through Catholic social teaching and Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini’s accent on the Education of the Heart

Countless alumni have had their hearts and minds transformed by the Wolfington Center’s commitment to service.

Established in 2002 through the generosity of J. Eustace and Marcy Wolfington, the Wolfington Center promotes Cabrini’s Justice Matters core curriculum and supports students, faculty, staff, and administrators in their engagement with social justice.

Through community partners—particularly the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Catholic Relief Services, and the Municipality of Norristown—the Wolfington Center weaves together intellectual and spiritual development.

Students are leaders as Pierce Fellows, AmeriCorps Scholars in Service, and Catholic Relief Services Ambassadors.

Cabrini students have brought fair-trade bananas and coffee to campus, raised money to purchase anti-malaria nets, and lobbied Congress in Washington, D.C. 

Resources provided by the Wolfington Center enable faculty to network more effectively with community partners and expand their grasp of Catholic social teaching and service-learning pedagogy.

Projects have been recognized by the Greater Norristown community and even the White House for their contributions to the common good.

The Wolfington Center invites everyone to participate in its continuing quest to reflect upon Catholic social teaching and then put it into action in a dynamic, animated fashion.

“The flame of the love of God will not die in you, for it is like fire. The more it spreads and increases, the more it requires to be fed.”

—Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, MSC